NRG Roh Yoo-min, who opened his second act of life with his wife Lee Myung-cheon ,?
2019-10-02 11:31:12

Interest in NRG Roh Yu-min is pouring in.
At the 333th episode of MBC Human Documentary “Good People,” which aired on Tuesday, NRG Roh Yoo-min revealed his special affection for his first daughter, Noah.
NRG was the most popular in the late 90s.
At the time, it was the first Korean singer to appear in CF in a Chinese company.
In particular, Roh Yoo-min, who had the best appearance as a jagong, was called 'the best idol of the idol'.
From the debut of the NRG in 1997 to the 20th anniversary album, he is the only member of all recordings, a 22-year veteran singer and broadcaster.
Eight years ago, he married Chorus singer Lee Myung-cheon and became the father of two daughters.
When his first Noah, who had been born premature, lived in an incubator for nearly a year and needed a steady income, he started his coffee business.
Nowadays, he is a second professional as a coffee expert.
On this day, Roh cooked seaweed soup for his daughter Noah.
Noah, born 6 months after birth, is the 'sick finger' of the couple.
Roh said, "I'm thrilled and tearful because it's my first time with Noah."
My wife Lee Myung-cheon said, "I had only a crying dad while I had a daughter's picnic."
Other parents were surprised to see Roh Yu-min crying on a picnic day.
Noah, who was an elementary school student, went to a picnic and Roh Yoo shed tears of emotion.
Noah, who had come out early, had to be incubated for 10 months and had to undergo about 10 surgeries.
Roh said, “It was so light when I first embraced Noah.
I just tears.
"I was born too early and worried that my child could grow up well."
On the other hand, MBC Human Documentary 'People are Good' is a program to include life dramas of people who live in the same age, and is broadcast every Tuesday at 10:05.