Efficacy in policosanol, lowering low-density cholesterol, and effective in preventing vascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia.
2019-10-01 17:31:12

Interest in policosanol, which is known to have excellent efficacy in the prevention of vascular disease, was posted in the real-time search word on the afternoon of October 1st.
Policosanol (polycosanol) is a generic name for natural fatty alcohol extracts derived from plant waxes and is found in sugarcane, grass, leaves, fruits and grains.
In addition to lowering low-density cholesterol and increasing high-density cholesterol, it is known to be effective in preventing vascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia.
It is generally known to have the effect of lowering low density lipoprotein and increasing high density lipoprotein, and it is used as a nutritional supplement to prevent atherosclerosis. However, the efficacy of policosanol is debated.
However, a meta-analysis study published in January 2018 reported that policosanol could improve dyslipidemia.
In Cuba, which has long developed alternative medicine, policosanol extracted from common sugar cane has long been provided to elderly people with vascular disease or in their home country, which has resulted in drastic reductions in patients with vascular disease as cholesterol levels drop.
After finding the right proportion of policosanol in animal and clinical trials, Cuba has come to the stage of standardization.
In clinical trials in Cuba, policosanol has been shown to be effective in improving cholesterol, blood lipids and symptoms of hypertension, and has been shown to be effective in improving the constitution of patients with vascular diseases.
(WIPO) was awarded the invention award and patented in several countries, including the United States and Japan.
Policosanol has been introduced into the Korean market, and policosanol is imported from Cuba, as well as from other regions.
In 2015, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety established the standards and specifications for policosanol-sugarcane wax alcohol through the administrative notice of Health Standards and Standards.
High doses of policosanol have been reported to have side effects such as muscle spasms, numbness, and chronic fatigue.
The name policosanol means a long chain alcohol combination, so you should check the country of origin when purchasing it.