It was me of childhood…
2019-10-01 11:11:12

Kinky pedigree
Lee Man-gi, a sloppy body, surprisingly surprised everyone by revealing that he was 'the youngest' out of six siblings.
"I'm older than my big brother and 20 years old, my nephew's birthday is a month earlier than me," he said. "All the love of my family is received by my big nephew.
How did the big nephew do the name of the MC's question, Lee Myeong-gi squirmed, "I'm not uncle. No name, I'm called 'hey ~'".
Cho Hye-ryun asked, "I was wretched by my nephew and started to wrestle," everyone laughed.
As the legendary two world champions Lee Man-gi and MC Kang Ho-dong are in one place, the story of the wrestling players continued.
When Lee talked about the experience of "I sold Cat Ba," Kang Ho-dong asked, "Do you sell for money?" And Lee Man-gi "I tried to give it for free but I got money because it didn't work."
I gave birth to it. "
After nine years of debut, the day of Hongja, which opened his first solo concert, was also revealed.