Shingles hands, waist, thighs lurking in the ganglion
2019-10-01 01:31:11

Shingles is a disease caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which is dormant in the ganglion of the human body.
Shingles had a large proportion of patients in their 50s and 60s, but there were also a small number of young patients in their 20s and 30s.
The 3040s had the highest annual growth rate per 100,000 population across all age groups.
Mainly due to reduced immunity.
Preventing shingles should be prevented in advance.
Your usual habits are important.
Eat healthy food and sleep well.
Although it is injected as a preventive measure, it is mainly in the 50s or more.
In addition, pregnant women, patients with steroids, and patients who are being treated for immune-related diseases do not need to be vaccinated.
It is best to prescribe antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs to help with nerve damage and treatment.
Itchy areas are prescribed a shingles ointment medication, which is usually healed when the scab runs out, but it is recommended to visit a hospital for a different period.
Most patients with shingles wonder and wonder how the infection was caused by the virus.
The virus that causes this disease is the same virus that causes chickenpox in childhood. After the chicken pox is cured, the virus doesn't go away.
The disease is reactivated and causes the disease when the immune system is in vivo.
Be sure to watch out for shingles after the 50s.
Shingles is not a disease that shows a difference in incidence according to the season, but in Korea, it occurs in July-September, where immunity is low due to heat or day crossing.