BTS fan meeting part-time student's reviews "So Jimin Jimin .."
2019-09-28 22:11:12

Jimin's story is added to the video of a fan who released his experience of working part-time as a staff member in the fan meeting of BTS.
The video, titled “My BTS Fan Meeting Experience As a Staff,” contains the story of the BTS Aladdin fan signing event.
Youtube, who is a fan of BTS, released the atmosphere of the day and the members' feelings in order to solve the curiosity of overseas fans who are unlikely to encounter a fan signing event unlike Korea.
'Jimin' was the question of who was the most impressive member.
She said, "Jimin was younger than me, but he was his brother." "At the end of the fan signing event, everyone waved out.
I bow down and say hello, "he said.
"I knew that I was a staff member because I was standing apart from the fans," he said. "You also said to yourself that you have worked hard." I'm really polite.
I wanted to say, "My eternal brother."
Fans who touched the video are impressed, such as 'Jimin keeps waves waves ..' 'I am impressed by Jimin's politeness'. 'I'm not only beautiful in my face.'
Comments followed.