Domino's Pizza Starting at 9,000 won Hint is 4 + 2 letters…
2019-09-28 12:31:18

One word, not two
Domino's Pizza minimum 9,000 won event started.
The event, which started five days ago, will end tomorrow.
At the end of the event, Domino's Pizza had a chance to promote its products to customers once again with a quiz event.
The correct answer for the Saturday morning question is not one word, but two words: four letters and two letters.
At some point, the price is a hint, and you can easily get the answer if you substitute it with the promotional text suggested by the company.
The company emphasizes that it is possible to enter the event page through the portal site search in order to purchase the side dish at a low price, and the word Domino's pizza is at least 9,000 won.