Lappiness Store Outer Special, Ungodly Good Luck Quiz First to Second Answers!
2019-09-27 10:11:22

On July 27th, the online fashion store Mushinsa presented a random coupon quiz on 'Lapper Store Outer Specials'.
On the 27th, the online shopping mall Mushinsa presented the first quiz on the day: "The name of the first display product of the Lapse Store Outer Special Week Special Exhibition is ○○ Leather Rider Jacket.
The answer is buffing.
Mushinsa then asked the second question, "Lapphige Store is a brand that proposes sweet mood with inspiration from soft udge (Fudge) made with sugar, butter and milk."
As a hint, Mushin suggested searching for "Lapper Store Outer Specials" in the search box.
The answer is candy.
If the answer is correct, up to 79% random coupons will be given to the first-come, first-served basis.
On the other hand, Lapge Store will hold a special week for up to 62% discount from the day to the 4th of next month.