Mushi Shrine head fleece bargain on the Internet ... first-come-first-owned 80 million won, the first to fifth quiz?
2019-09-26 17:11:13

Online fashion store Moushinsa has been making the Internet hot with Musshinsa Head Fleece Specials.
Mushin will sell the sports brand head outers for 30% off the limited preorders from the 25th to the 8th of next month.
Global sports brand heads will open a number of outers, including the 19 F / W Curley series outers, with a non-shrine limited preorder.
Head's biggest pre-order event is the headquarters' four Curly series, which will be released as an ungodly limited item, and the lightweight padding slander series will be unveiled for the first time.
Head's Curly series and various outers are available at a 30% discount when purchased during the event.
In addition, the head pocket man-to-man is given to five people who have left a witty transition time as 'head'.
In addition, the random quiz on this day will be paid up to 90 million won on a first-come, first-served basis, up to 9,999 won.
The quiz is' Head 19 F / W OO series was inspired by free everyday people.
What is the right word for 'blank'?
The hints of this quiz from Musinsa are found on the portal site Naver by searching for 'Musin's Head Fleece Specials'.
The answer is 'curly'.
The second quiz is 'How many kinds of products of the Head 19 F / W Curley series?', The correct answer is '4'.
The third quiz is 'How many winners will the head outer preorder commemoration and man-to-man presentation event' be?
Fourth quiz is, 'The prize of the head outer preorder commemorative event is head OOO pocket man to man.
What is the correct word for the blank? 'The correct answer is' NCT'.
The fifth quiz is 'Curly OOO', a new head 19 F / W product using 3M Synthetic Filler.
What is the right word for the blank? 'The correct answer is' mustang'.
More details can be found on the Mingusa web site