Mars serial murder suspect Lee Chun-jae I want to know the official account face open…
2019-09-26 02:11:12

Track three cases with part 1 notice
33 years have passed.
Since 1986, it is the time when Gangsan has changed three times.
He also obtained samples of suspected body fluids, but the technology did not identify DNA at that time, and the incident remained an eternal mystery.
The police, who have secured significant DNA from the samples kept in their samples and their firm willingness to solve the undisclosed case, identified the suspect through DNA control, but he still insists that the events of the day are irrelevant.
I want to know that in the official account, the first face of the Martian serial murder case suspect Lee Choon-jae revealed on the 25th.
Kim Sang-jung, who was in charge of the process, tracked the third, fifth, and ninth incidents in which the DNA coincided with Lee Chun-jae.
Hong Yang (18 years old), the fifth victim of Lee Chung-jae's DNA, identified as a suspect during the Martian serial murder case, was found missing by cold carcass the next day after disappearing after disappearing on the 9 o'clock bus on January 10, 1989.
Hong Yang was clad in tights with her hands tied in her tights while wearing her clothes.
Residents at the time explained, "I saw my mom and dad go looking for Hongyang."
The second victim of DNA and the victim of the seventh case of the Martian serial killer were the housewife An Mo, 54, who was found in a waterway just below the bus stop.
Neighbors said, "In the morning, all the family members came out and started looking, but they hung their underwear on the tree."
Ahn also had his hands tied in tights, gagged with socks, and looked like Hong Yang, but he did something terrible that was hard to imagine.
Park Mo, who was a journalist at the time, shook his head and said, “I'm tired, I'm tired.
There was a man in a hurry to get on the bus near the scene where the incident was supposed to take place.
The man's appearance on the last train to Suwon had dirt on his shoes and trousers.
At the time, the dew around the crime scene was wet and wet.
At the time, the team chief of the investigative headquarters was convinced that there was a trail that passed 400 meters (at the scene of the incident) and the place where the trail ends was the bus ride.
Witnesses drove the last train to Suwon at the scene of the incident. Mr. Kang said in an interview at the time that his eyes were slanted to the side, his face was a little longer and his height was about 1m70cm or more.
The scars were in my hands and the whiskers were so black. ”
The montage of the suspect was first written based on the testimony of the bus driver Kang.
At that time, the man said, as the bus passed through the checkpoint, he bowed deep inside his chair and lent a cigarette to the bus driver.
In another interview, bus driver Kang said, “I turned on the lighter, so I got it like this (collecting both hands), but the hand was not working (the last day) or the farming hand.”
It was nice to the touch. ”
In particular, he added, “There was water on the little finger.”
I wanted to know that the production crew asked, 'Is he Chun Jae?'
This was followed by the ninth incident on November 15, 1990.
After finishing school, her middle school student Kim Moong (14 years old), who was headed home with her friend, was forced to walk alone over the path of more than 2 km after breaking up with her friend at Buljeom intersection.
Kim Yang was found dead under a nearby Yasan pine tree overlooking his school route, and Kim Yang was also tied up with stockings and gagged with her underwear.
Kim Sang-joong regretted that he had committed a brutal act even for a 13-year-old young girl.
In this broadcast, Hamo at the time, the head of the investigation headquarters recalled, "We felt a lot of shock because of the middle school student Kim-shaped incident." "We did another crime because we were not good at investigation ..."
I want to know that the crew found that they could find common ground in the crimes of the three cases.
First, I finished the trailer for Part 1 of the Mars serial murder case, stating that the victim's body was inconspicuous, and secondly, that the victim was tied to the victim's clothing.
I'd like to know that on Saturday 28th 11:10 pm Devil's Signature-Mars serial killings part 1, October 5, part 2 will be broadcast.