Suspicion of Mars serial killings, mention of my mother's fortune, "Son of son", Suwon high school murder
2019-09-26 10:31:11

Suspicion of Mars serial killings, mother's fortune, "son lamented"
The real story of the Aunt who was identified as a Mars serial murder suspect was revealed at the True Story Expedition.
When asked about his aunt, he said his personality was bright, sprouting and kind.
It was a Fourclain article.
Aunt's mother was now hospitalized.
My mother seemed uncomfortable to walk.
Aunt's mother said she ate on the lawn once or twice a year.
"I'm sorry I made you hard," she said.
Aunt's mother lamented her son's situation that my heart was torn in pieces.
The program also explained the situation of a woman killed in a crisis.
In response to the suspected suspect, he broke two teeth.
Drowned in cow dung and just went.
The murder of Suwon High School Girls was similar to that of Mars.
He was wearing red clothes and the murder site was close to his aunt's house.
Suwon Chungyang murder case family said that he studied well and was very good.
The student mother said she drank pesticides to die.