Actor Lee Ha -ni, who paid an additional 6 billion won, denied suspicion of tax evasion. Since then, Lee has not reported the income earned as the main actor as an individual income, but has been paying the corporate tax faithfully, including the corporation (Hope Project). However, last year, the IRS, which conducted an integrated planning tax on the artist's artist, said that Lee's entertainment activities should be subject to personal income tax, not corporate tax payments. In response, the agency said, "The imposition of income tax according to the results of this tax investigation stems from the difference in the law interpretation of the artist's income of corporate tax and the income tax." The tax was not reflected, resulting in double taxation of the same income. → MoaPic!
All of the unfamiliar ingredients were hesitant to tasting, and even Daniel, who had the first drink, asked, "Okbin should eat it first." Then, on the Amazon River, heading to Amazon Prime Minister, Bob's friends found an endangered pink dolphin. Bob's friends who arrived at Amazon local villages met a pet tree in the arms of young girls, and Kim Ok -bin fell in love with "It's so cute." The two were handed over to the villagers the world's most spicy peppers 'Ahi Chaapita,' and Choi Daniel suggested that he would make a bet, saying, "Let's eat rock -paper -scissors." → MoaPic!
10th Young -sik, 'fluttering' explosion from the beginning In particular, in this 'Golsing Special', female performers with visuals appeared to excite the cast. Defcon saw a female performer with a dimples and admired, "Did you not look like Lee Ha -ni?" Yoon Bo -mi also looked at another female performer and said, "I feel like Koo Hye -sun." Even "Isn't it cold?" → MoaPic!