'Meeting with work' nagging as a uncle.
2019-09-24 05:13:18

At 10:40 pm (Saturday 21st), Esau Yoo, Ssamdi, Grey, and Cocoon are unveiled at the Seoul Metropolitan Railroad Vehicle Maintenance Group to clean the train.
Saddy, Gray and Cocoon are among the youngest of their peers, and will be transformed into hip-vengers with strong concentration and excellent labor.
As soon as they meet in their car for work, Yoo Jae-seok, who is just his age, starts to give Gray advice, "Why did you quit that good university major? Why didn't you continue?"
Four people got into the car to head to work.
As soon as Ssamdi, Grey, and Cocoon get into full-fledged work, they don't believe the talk program.
Yoo Jae-seok is surprisingly said to be "unexpectedly a schoolboy style" in the appearance of Ssamdi and Gray who are not talking to each other even though they are cleaning together next door.
Grey, who was quietly cleaning the windows, Ssamdi who fell in love with the glass, and Cocoon, which is comparable to a plate cleaning robot, caught the eye.
Yoo Jae-seok and the hipvengers muffled "My No. 3" and "My No. 5" when the train they cleaned started again, showing off the lament of labor by seeing off the tail of the train until the tail disappears.
Workers with short snacks and breaks are put into cleaning the outer wall, which is a level of difficulty, during cleaning.