Domino's pizza that stimulates the taste of the public
2019-09-23 19:13:18

Cashslide is popping up the taste of the public by making an early quiz with Domino's Pizza.
On the 23rd morning of the cash slide, "Domino ㅎ ㅇ ㅋ ㅋ pizza 9000 won", the question of matching the initial part.
The questionnaire side said, "If you search for 'Domino pizza minimum 9000 won' on Naver, you will see a hint."
The quiz for the cash slide 'Domino Pizza minimum 9000 won ㅇㅈㅎ ㅎㅇㅋ' is 'Weekly Happy Week'.
At the cache slide, the first quiz about 'Domino Pizza minimum 9000 won' was made.
Cashslide unveiled an early quiz titled "Thousand Spaghetti OR Chicken Chicken Thousand Won" on the afternoon of 23rd.
A hint can be obtained by searching for 'Domino Pizza minimum 9000 won' in the portal search box.
The answer is 'cheese bolognese super grains'.
Participation in the quiz is possible in the cash slide app, you can earn 100 cash if the answer is correct.
Domino Pizza, a delivery pizza maker, said it will sell pizza menus at a 40% discount when it comes to visiting packaging orders, and it will run a 'Happy Week' promotion for up to 29 days.
During this period, customers will also receive a double discount for 1,000 won for one of Domino's Pizza's popular side dishes, New Cheese Bolognese Spaghetti and Super Grain Chicken.
Domino Pizza official said, "We will offer double discount of popular side dish at 1000 won with 40% discount promotion of pizza menu visit during this Happy Week."