“Liver Cancer Incidence” Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Hepatitis C
2019-09-23 01:13:11

The causes of liver cancer include hepatitis B virus infection and hepatitis C virus infection.
In addition, chronic liver disease, if you ingest a carcinogen called aflatoxin, alcohol, smoking, obesity, and the like.
The incidence of liver cancer was five times higher in men than in women.
Liver cancer is the fourth most common cancer in Korea and the second highest cancer death rate.
In particular, it is known as the number one disease in the forties.
Almost none at the beginning and then slowly appear.
Pain in the stomach, lumps, bloating, weight loss, severe fatigue, and indigestion.
When the symptoms become obvious, the disease is already advanced.
This is why the liver is called the organ of silence.
It is called the 'silent organ'.
This is true even in the case of liver cancer, so there are few symptoms at first and then gradually appear.
Therefore, when symptoms are obvious, most of them are already advanced.
The disease has a very low survival rate.
In fact, the chance of surviving five years after developing liver cancer is only 32.8%.
The biggest feature is the characteristics of liver cancer with low long-term survival.
According to the 2016 Statistics on the Causes of Death, the death rate for liver cancer was 21.5 per 100,000 people, the second highest after lung cancer (35.1).