After accepting the challenge letter, we settled in order.
2019-09-21 03:42:12

The brainchild's sole MC, Kim Jong-min, accepts the challenge of Mickey Gwang-soo and Ahn Il-kwon, and sets out to sort out the real genius.
Kim Jong-min received a challenge from Mickey Gwang-soo and Ahn Il-kwon and settled down.
If he is born again, Kim Jong-min chooses to have strength, Mickey Gwang-su looks and Ahn Il-kwon wants to have knowledge.
They fought their pride, ranging from the appearance of plastic surgeons to arm wrestling.
At ‘Finalistic’, he is going to seek opinions from semi-fixed members Se-ho Cho and ‘real 쎈’ Kim Chang-yeol.
You can check the rank of the various ranks Cho Se-ho evaluates and why Kim Chang-ryul said, "I want to be born as a BTS."