4th Destination "The Salty Tour" Malaysia
2019-09-20 04:13:40

In the TVN entertainment program 'The Shunnae Tour', which aired on the 16th, Kyu Hyun tour began in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Members gathered at Incheon International Airport and the crew released their fourth travel destination, 'Malaysia'.
Designer Kyu-hyun and Han Hye-jin used to check each other.
The crew said all three designers had a real win feature, with two wins out of one win and one win to hide the real winner.
As the first guest, Park Myung-soo's Sam O'Schiri of Ghana appeared.
As the second guest, 'Chew', the girl of the month, will be evaluated from the perspective of teenagers and 20s.
The members who tasted the crab meatballs that came next said, “It feels perfect.” “It's perfect for Korean taste.”
I was pleased with the Hokienmi cuisine by saying, "It is the taste of added noodles with udon noodles."
The main dish, BBQ Pork Rip, satisfies the tastes of the members.
Gyu-hyun, who checked the bill, was embarrassed that 171 ringgits should come out and 190 ringgits came out.
Kyu-hyun was shocked to confirm that the peanut price he did not order was paid.
The car also received money per person, making Kyu-hyun's unexpected expenses.
Kyu Hyun Tour visited the Majid Jamek, a temple where two rivers meet, the Gombak River and the Kelang River.
Gyuhyeon tour visited the landmark Merdeka Square.
Members left a photo in front of the City Gallery sculpture.
Kyu-hyun introduced the buildings surrounding Merteka Square.
The members were dissatisfied with Kyuhyun's restless explanation in the hot heat.
Gyuhyun headed for a cafe that was not scheduled for the members.
When the members wanted a cheesecake at the cafe, Kyu-hyun ordered a piece of cake and appealed, "Coffee wasn't in the plan.
Members visited Merdeka Square, the site of Malaysian history.
Kyu-Hyun kindly explained the history of buildings such as St. Mary's Cathedral.