'Let's identify early symptoms of colon cancer and prevent them with good food.'
2019-09-20 02:42:12

The most fundamental treatment for colorectal cancer is surgery.
The proper surgical principle for colorectal cancer is to excise the large intestine from the tumor in the distal (proximal and lower) and proximal to the proximal (opposite) tumors.
To be tempered.
Malignant tumor consisting of cancer cells in the large intestine.
The large intestine is a pipe-shaped tube, which is divided into four layers from the inside to the mucosal layer, the submucosal layer, the muscle layer, and the membrane layer.
Depending on the location of the colon occurs in the colon cancer, if it occurs in the rectum is called cancer, collectively called colon cancer or colorectal cancer.
Most colorectal cancers are adenocarcinomas that occur in the colon's mucous membranes, including lymphomas, sarcomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and metastatic lesions of other cancers.
Colorectal cancer has been shown to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer when eaten with fiber-rich foods.
Fibrin dilutes the contents of the large intestine, reduces the time to pass through the intestine, and increases the volume of the stool.
On the other hand, foods high in fiber include onions, kiwi, apples, and nuts.
It does not decompose food, absorbs moisture, forms feces with food waste, and stores and stores it.
Dietary factors, obesity, genetic factors, adenomatous polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, lack of physical activity, drinking, age 50 and older.
If you enjoy animal fats, foods high in saturated fats and processed meats, the risk of colon cancer is relatively high.
In addition, lack of physical activity, obesity, drinking alcohol also increases the incidence.