Hash Swan, "That's really uncomfortable", mentioned with Jungkook, let us know
2019-09-18 22:13:15

Hash Swan, "Incredibly uncomfortable" also mentioned with Jungkook
Jungkook and Hash Swan rose to the hot keyword side by side.
BTS Jungkook's rise is due to photography.
It can be said that the situation was born.
There was a word-of-war about who is the main character of a photograph.
Hash Swan said the photographer was not Hash Swan.
It's a wave caused by a picture of a community spinning around.
Hash Swan is 25 years old and has released 14 albums.
He is known to have performed 51 performances.
Hash Swan actually posted a word on his SNS that was very uncomfortable.
In August, Hash Swan showed off his charm by posting an article and a picture of the afterimage of rest.
Han Fan praised his voice because he liked it.