KBS 2TV Live Broadcast Good morning, shadows left by Japan, red house and Chang-seung renamed September 17 broadcast information!
2019-09-18 12:42:18

▶ Shadows from Japan, Red Houses and Chang Seed Renaming
Mija, Malja, Sunja…
Do you know the origin of the name? Do you know the meaning of the names of Insa-dong, Iksun-dong, and Wonnam-dong?
It is not enough that Korea's palace, Changgyeonggung, has been lowered to Changgyeongwon, so it was named South of Changgyeongwon and named Wonnam-dong.
The remnants of Japan, which have been melted in the names that we knew were ours, and the name of Chang-seung followed by the name of Chang-seung.
My neighbor's governor general?
Recently, it became a hot topic with the article that Japanese-language registration was alive in the middle of Myeong-dong building.
Where and how is the return to state property done?
We trace traces of accumulated products that are owned by Japan all over the country, and follow the return site.
▶ Better together!
Brother and sister
A village in Namwon, Jeollabuk-do.
Here, Bae Moon-soon (age 65) is a freshman who has a positive and active character.
Although it was only one year of returning to her hometown, she was able to quickly adapt to her life and helped her move to her neighbor, such as her family.
Bae Moon-soon, who worked as a couple bus driver with her husband, Kang Byeong-cheon (age 69) in Seoul for 31 years.
After retirement, I decided to go to Namwon, my husband's hometown, and started studying at a return home center and architecture fair.
It was Bae Moon-soon's brother who accompanied the couple at this time.
After studying together, my brother-in-law, who became naturally attracted to rural life, decided to return to my nephew, and settled in an unfamiliar village.
Siblings lived next door and lived more than ever before.
In addition, the difficult relationship between the commercial and the brother-in-law was never before.
Meet the story of a brother and sister who are friends-like neighbors at Happy Life House.
September 17 at 6:50 am