[SBS Wow!

2024-09-21 04:41:05


[This is happening in the world] MC lineup confirmed!

Jeon Hyun-moo x Baek Ji-young x Kim Ho-young x Kim Yong-myeong x Soobin will appear.

It returns with a new look with ‘This Happens in the World’.

'Is this happening in the world?'

The new season, which returned with Baek Ji-young x Kim Ho-young x Kim Yong-myeong x Soobin, is ready to take off as a national program representing the perspectives of all generations.

The production team of ‘This Happens in the World’ said, “We are doing our best to prepare to provide a unique and fun experience.

‘This Happens in the World’ will premiere in mid-October.


→ MoaPic!