‘Joseon’s Lover’ Kim Ji-min confesses her feelings about marriage to Kim Jun-ho

2023-12-05 22:41:03

On this day's broadcast, the inner feelings of Kim Ji-min, who is in a relationship with comedian Kim Jun-ho, are revealed.

Kang Soo-ji was surprised and asked, “It’s 3 years, not 2?”, and Kim Ji-min wittily replied, “If you’re a lover, like Ju-ryang, you’re talking down the period of her relationship.”

Kim Ji-min also caught her attention by saying, "If I get married, I think I'll do it with this person (Kim Jun-ho), but if I don't, I'm done."

Meanwhile, in Season 2 of 'Joseon's Lovers', Kim Ji-min, Kim Gook-jin, Kang Su-ji, and Hwang Bo-ra will play as 'new lovers'.


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