Communication expert Kim Chang-ok, his experience of not communicating with his father was the driving force behind his lecture, "I had a long experience of not communicating with my hearing-impaired father."

2023-12-06 00:11:03

Communication expert Kim Chang-ok is promoting the importance of communication based on his experience of not communicating with his father.

In response, Kim Chang-ok said, “I am a person who has experienced lack of communication for a long time.

Kim Chang-ok said, "I felt a lot of regret and guilt about not being able to communicate with my father. That's why I realized the importance of communication and set out to find a way to communicate."

She continued by saying, “Communication is not something you can learn, it is something you have to realize and find,” and she said, “Based on my experience of not being able to communicate with my father, I want to let many people know the importance of communication.”


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