Jeon No-min reveals behind-the-scenes drama reunion with Kim Bo-yeon "I declined at first, but at the request of the writer"

2024-07-17 10:11:03

In the TV Chosun entertainment program 'I'm Alone Now', which aired on the 16th, actor Jeon No-min attracted the attention of viewers by revealing the behind-the-scenes story of his reunion with his ex-wife Kim Bo-yeon in the drama.

On the broadcast, a merchant recognized Jeon No-min and said, "Are you two doing well?" and mentioned her ex-spouse Kim Bo-yeon, naturally leading to the reunion of the two.

Jeon No-min, who eventually accepted the writer's request and reunited with Kim Bo-yeon, revealed his feelings at the time, saying, "I thought I knew this would happen."

In this way, Jeon No-min gained sympathy from viewers by confessing his honest feelings about reuniting with his ex-wife Kim Bo-yeon in 'Now I'm Alone'.


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