Min Hee-jin, CEO of Adore, denies sexual harassment allegations...

2024-07-30 04:41:03

Hive Personnel Committee concludes “no charges”

Minhee, CEO of Jin A Door, completely denied the allegations regarding her sexual harassment case within the company and hinted at legal action.

Previously, an online media outlet had published a message saying that CEO Min had an inappropriate conversation, including cursing a woman who reported sexual harassment in the company and defending Mr. A, who was identified as the perpetrator.

Representative Min's side said, "Continuing to raise issues despite the judgment of the Hive Personnel Committee is unfair," and added, "CEO Min listened to both sides' opinions in a balanced manner, worked to mediate conflicts, and worked hard to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future." “We proposed improvements to the system for this purpose,” he claimed.

In addition, it was explained that the reason for the resignation of the female employee who claimed damage was unrelated to the sexual harassment incident and was due to issues related to assignment and treatment that arose during the training evaluation process.


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