Jessie reveals her sexy and unconventional bikini figure in Tokyo…

2024-07-30 19:41:03

Show off your voluminous body

Singer Jessie caught the attention of fans by releasing an unconventional bikini pictorial taken in Tokyo.

In the released photo, Jessie wore a beige-colored bikini, showing off her strong abs and voluminous body, showing off her sexy charm.

Jessie showed off her unrivaled fashion sense by matching a bikini with wide jeans to create a sexy yet sporty style.

Since her debut in 2005, Jessie has made her face known to the public through 'Unpretty Rap Star'. Since then, she has released a number of hit songs such as 'Noon Noona Na' and 'What X', becoming a leading figure in the hip-hop scene. She has established herself as a female rapper.


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