Personal color self-diagnosis, warm tone and cool tone classification, ‘free course’ personal color expert certification training for those interested

2024-07-31 13:11:05

The Korea Psychological Education Association provides those interested in personal color self-diagnosis tests and color therapy, such as warm and cool tone distinction, by simply registering as a free member on the website to receive online lectures such as personal color expert and color psychology counselor certifications, and 3 courses out of 120 types of certifications. We are currently running an event where you can take classes completely free of charge.

All certificates acquired are issued by associations registered with the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in accordance with the Framework Act on Qualifications, and can be included in resumes and self-introductions when seeking employment. Various types of certificates are recommended for those preparing for employment.

Recommended certifications for job seekers include ESG consultant certification, CS customer management expert, office administration expert, and hospital coordinator certification, as well as organizing and storage expert and coffee barista expert certification courses recommended for women who have taken a break in their careers.

In addition, personal branding (personal branding), color therapy, color psychology counselor, psychological healing field for the elderly, tarot certification, Myeongri psychological counselor studying Myeongri studies, and art psychological counselor certification are also classified as popular courses, and aroma experts are recommended for those interested in becoming an aromatherapist. For those interested in MBTI certification, MBTI testing, and psychological testing, a psychological analysis counselor certification is recommended.


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