Park Kyung-lim, at her wedding, there were 5,000 guests and even ‘500 million won in congratulatory money’…

2024-10-28 12:41:03

25 years of friendship with Ji Chun-hee revealed

Park Kyung-lim attracted attention by revealing that more than 5,000 guests attended her wedding.

On this day's broadcast, Park Kyung-rim attracted attention by revealing that Ji Chun-hee had personally gifted her a wedding dress and her husband's tuxedo at the time of her wedding.

In addition, as Park Kyung-lim's wedding photos were released, the scene of a gorgeous wedding attended by many celebrities was revealed.

Park Kyung-lim's wedding received the attention of many people, including those in the entertainment industry, and at the time, it attracted a lot of attention as a gorgeous wedding.


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