Eunhyung Lee, showing off his warm friendship with fellow comedians...

2024-08-02 23:11:04

“Giant aunts are warmer than the sunlight”

On the 1st, Lee Eun-hyung posted a photo taken with his colleagues on his SNS and wrote, “This is Kangchong in his room with the giants,” and added, “When Kkangchong is born, the giant aunts will rush in front of Kkangchong and block out all the sunlight.” “But I believe he will be happier because he has aunts who are warmer than the sunlight,” he said, expressing his affection for his soon-to-be-born baby, ‘Kkangchongi.’

In the released photo, Jang Do-yeon, Mirageru, and Heo Anna, who visited Lee Eun-hyung's house, are surrounding Kkang Chong's bed and smiling brightly as they look at the ultrasound photo.

Lee Eun-hyung married Kang Jae-jun in 2017, and received many congratulations when she announced her pregnancy in February of this year.

Meanwhile, Lee Eun-hyung continues to be active even during pregnancy.


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