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2024-12-03 15:11:03

Holmes] Kim Sook

This day's broadcast was the second part of the 'Local Landlord-Gangneung Edition', in which Kim Sook and Gangneung native Jeong-su Yoon went on a nationwide tour of the eight provinces with local natives.

Kim Sook and Yoon Jeong-su take a look at the old downtown of Gangneung.

Yoon Jeong-su, who was driving to the next forest destination, said, “If you take this road, you will reach Gyeongpo Beach.

", Kim Sook said, "Ignore the production crew and escape to Gyeongpo~" and the studio heated up.

Indeed, Kim Sook's active date request raises curiosity as to whether Yoon Jeong-su turned the steering wheel and headed to Gyeongpo University.


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