[SBS Running Man] ‘Exercise ace’ Kang Hoon becomes a ‘rule breaker’?

2024-07-23 00:41:06

Chaos Running Pick Revealed!

SBS' 'Running Man', which airs today (21st), is decorated with the '2024 Burning Running Pick' race, and Kang Hoon shakes up the game with his unstoppable left foot.

Accordingly, the recent recording was 'Running Pick', so various sports competitions were prepared, and the first match was revealed as a unique sport that combines foot volleyball and tennis, requiring the use of both arms and legs.

In a tough game, the members had an exciting match with endless rallies, but Ji Ye-eun suddenly confessed to having a 'fear of the ball' during the game and started a so-called 'screaming defense', turning the scene into chaos.

Running Pick's first game, full of fouls and shouting, the results can be confirmed on 'Running Man', which airs at 6:15 pm today.


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