<Current Affairs Planning Window> ‘Great national representative’

2024-07-23 16:41:03

In addition, the highest viewership rating for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was not baseball or soccer, but the broadcast of track and field high jumper Woo Sang-hyuk.

This is a contrast to the men's gymnastics Yeo Hong-cheol, who won the silver medal at the Atlanta Olympics due to a landing error, and returned home with his head down.

The Paris Olympics will feature 114 athletes in 22 sports, the smallest number since the 1976 Montreal Olympics.

Woo Sang-hyeok, a member of men's swimming and track and field high jump, along with Hwang Sun-woo and Kim Woo-min, is also working hard to win an Olympic medal.

We were the only domestic media company to cover high jumper Woo Sang-hyuk's Tokyo Grand Prix and the men's swimming team's training camp in Spain.


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