[SBS Good Partner] Unstoppable upward trend, reaching a record high of 12.4%!

2024-07-22 11:41:03

Jang Na-ra decides to divorce Ji Seung-hyun!

A divorce case was requested from new lawyer Nam Ji-hyun.

In addition, the twist of Cha Eun-kyung (played by Jang Na-ra), who witnessed her husband Kim Ji-sang (played by Ji Seung-hyun)'s affair with her own eyes, requesting the case to new lawyer Han Yu-ri, made me even more curious about future developments.

Cha Eun-kyung tried to dissuade her from divorce, saying that she would take a step back and pay more attention to her family, but she could not change Kim Ji-sang's firm feelings.

Cha Eun-kyung advised her client, who is having a hard time deciding on a divorce, to send it back in good faith, saying that even if she proceeds with the lawsuit, there will be a reversal of her intention.

Han Yu-ri, embarrassed, went to Cha Eun-kyung, and she was relieved to hear him say that it was not the lawyer's fault.

Cha Eun-kyung's comment, "A lawyer Han Yu-ri should not say what the human Han Yu-ri thinks," confused Han Yu-ri.

Park Jin-sook eventually withdrew her divorce suit as Cha Eun-kyung said, and Han Yu-ri's first contract case ended on a bitter note.

From the client Park Jin-sook, who says she doesn't have the courage to divorce even though her marriage is tormenting her, to her mother Kim Kyung-sook (played by Seo Jeong-yeon), who says she endured it for her own sake, to Cha Eun-kyung, who says she won't divorce even after finding out about her spouse's affair, "What on earth is a married couple?" Cha Eun-kyung's answer to the question, "A man who has become family" only made Han Yu-ri's mind more complicated.

And in the end, Han Yu-ri said, “I think there is a clear distinction between the perpetrator and the victim in a divorce case.


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