[SBS TV Animal Farm] Captain Dumido, Enjoying the Summer of 2024 with Animals Part 1

2024-07-22 16:41:05

As I walked through the alleys following the path he guided me to, I arrived at Dumido's village accommodation with a great view on an open hill.

Not only does it brilliantly differentiate between residents and tourists and guide guests arriving on the island for the first time to their lodgings, but it also perfectly guides them to great viewpoints all over Dumi Island.

We prepared a pool exclusively for the twins, for the pandas who were unable to control themselves due to the intense heat they were feeling for the first time in their lives, and for their mother, Ai Bao, who was experiencing the bitter taste of summer as she had already grown to half the size of her mother.

In this hot summer, events carefully prepared by zookeepers with unique ideas and zoo friends' different secrets to enjoying summer will be revealed this week.


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