Hyeyoung Lee, sudden hospitalization and surgery due to gallstones...

2024-07-24 00:41:02

Health crisis again after battling lung cancer

On the 22nd, Hyeyoung Lee posted a photo on her Instagram with the caption, “2 weeks in the emergency room, hospitalization, and procedures for gallstones.”

Hyeyoung Lee was diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer in 2021 and had been fighting the disease.

Hye-young Lee revealed her experience of battling lung cancer in the past, and she gave courage to many people.

She also said on her YouTube channel 'Salty Brother Shin Dong-yeop' that she shared a 90-pyeong single-room hospital room that was used by the late Chairman Chung Ju-young, saying, "She might die during the surgery, so I told her husband to flex." She said, attracting attention.


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