What is the truth behind the plagiarism controversy regarding New Genes' 'Bubble Gum'?

2024-07-24 06:11:03

Shakatak’s claim vs. Newgenes’ rebuttal

About a month has passed since suspicions were raised that the group New Jeans' new song 'Bubble Gum' plagiarized the British band Shakatak's song 'Easier Said Than Done'.

Shakatak sent an official complaint to New Genes, claiming that 'Bubble Gum' had used 'Easy Sad Dan Don' without permission.

The crux of the controversy is whether some of the melody lines in 'Bubblegum' are similar to 'Easy Sad Dan Don'.

It remains to be seen whether Shakatak will present an analysis report in the future and what measures New Genes will take.


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