Study in Canada and Vancouver is the most comprehensive program for international students who want to study English for years.

2019-12-05 11:11:22

Canada is eye-catching because it offers affordable fees for the most diverse courses for international students who want to study English for years.

The same language course, ESL as well as detailed business courses such as marketing and consumer analysis, as well as courses related to art such as filming and art, interview skills and interviewing courses for candidates, conversation-based speaking courses,

There are a number of courses that you can choose to meet your goals and levels, including IELTS, Cambridge FCE, and CAE preparation courses.

The most important thing is whether a language school is cheaper than the US next door, well-programmed and well-equipped, and you can live and talk with native native speakers in Canada to improve your English.

to be.

Canadian internship courses are legally available for part-time jobs, depending on the length of enrollment.

The fastest and most accurate way for foreigners who come to learn Korean is to learn Korean, as they should learn and hang out with Koreans, and they need to spend more time with Canadians in order to learn English more effectively.

This is possible.

The main reasons for choosing a Canadian language course are standard English, low cost relative to English, clean surroundings and security.

In fact, Canada is the only country with four important aspects of language study.

Because it is a country that uses standard English, Canada is a country that goes to a lot of training in Korea as well as other non-English speaking countries.