Komyeong daughter, Hur Cho Hee, Kom daughter,

2019-11-07 11:31:20

Komyeong daughter, Hoo cho hee are garmin daughter,

Nan Sulheon (허 雪 軒) Heo Cho Hee, one of the female poets of the Joseon Dynasty, is known as the famous daughter of Hur.

Heo gave her famous daughter, Hur Cho Hee the same educational opportunity as men.

The mother-in-law was not happy to write a poem in the atmosphere at the time when even the women of both families did not learn to write.

When she is 8 years old, her husband, who is already known as a prodigy, turns to the outside by studying herself.

A couple squeaks each other as a fishing ground.

Whether it is warm or hateful, the eyes are out of order, and the seriousness of Nan Seolheon was only reflected and broken.