˝ 우 다사 ˝ With marriage ...

2019-11-04 11:11:10

MBN's new entertainment `` Can We Love Again '' (hereinafter `` Udasa '') is a women's life and reality program that includes `` Sister's Awesome Story of Returning '' and will be in charge of 11:00 pm on Wednesday from November 13th.

Park, who was a top model, left for the United States with her marriage.

Park Eun-hye raises her twin sons after making tough decisions as an actress.

Park Yeon-soo had to postpone his dream by raising children alone for a long time.

Kim Kyung-ran and Ho-ran had to make tremendous effort out of sight to resume their activities.

They are expected to show the lives of single moms and dolcing women living in this era honestly and to raise a buzz in society. PD Yoon Yoon-jin, who directed 'Udasa', said, “With social prejudice and sharp eyes, I gave up my freedom of life and

The program was designed for women who are not courageous about new love. ”