"Nosy Season 2," the story of a nodler in a stormy anger

2019-11-04 18:31:39

In the 63rd episode of KBS Joy's Interview Season 2, which was broadcast on the 29th, the story of a woman who fell in love with a man who insisted on the philosophy of 'Polyamori (multilateral love)' was met.

In the story of a storm rage, the snarling of a nodler was followed, giving the viewers a real cider.In 'Broken Season 2', the story of a woman who is dating a boyfriend with the idea of ​​'Poly Amori' was revealed


Lover manages the account of a cafe run by his boyfriend early in the love life.

The story said that while managing the account of the café, he was confused by the direct messages of a number of women pouring out to his lover, suspicious of his boyfriend's confession called 'Polyamori', "What was healed?"

It was his attitude to constantly instill his love of love to the goddesses that further entangled the nosy responders.

In addition to sending the related materials to her, she was shocked by her comments about not meeting with her other women.Hyejin told her that she hates Polyamori but doesn't want to miss her.

The moment comes a few times.

It's hard to break, but it's time to be courageous, ”he said.