[SBS Goal Hitters] Relegation icon Kim Byeong-ji-ho of ‘FC World Class’ VS Jo Jae-jin of last place in winning percentage ‘FC Wonder Woman’, the match of the century!

2024-07-24 18:11:03

This match is a match between 'FC World Class', led by coach Kim Byeong-ji, an icon of relegation who has experienced four relegations, and 'FC Wonder Woman', led by coach Jae-jin Cho, who has expelled the team twice.

The two coaches, Kim Byeong-ji and Cho Jae-jin, who are competing for the lowest winning percentage, are planning to wage a war of pride to secure a ticket to the final four.

In particular, unlike 'World Class', which has never missed the semifinals in the Super League, coach Kim Byeong-ji, who has never passed the threshold of the semifinals, was constantly nervous, saying that this game was like the final.

His attention was drawn to items that were not easily seen, and director Kim Byeong-ji, who received the gift full of affection, said, "I really liked the feeling of preparing for good luck, and since ('World Class') is the semifinals that has never been dropped so far, it is my goal." “I really want to achieve this,” he responded.


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