Joo Hyun-young selected as new DJ for 'Power Time'...

2024-07-25 20:41:03

Following Choi Hwa-jeong, she entered the radio world through ‘Joo Hyun-young at 12 O’clock’.

Actress Joo Hyun-young has been selected as the new DJ for SBS Power FM's 'Power Time' and is expected to bring new vitality to the radio world.

Since his debut in 2019, Joo Hyun-young has made his face known through various works such as 'SNL Korea' and 'Weird Lawyer Woo Young-woo', and has especially established himself as an icon representing the MZ generation.

Her honest and cheerful charm is expected to bring new vitality to 'Power Time'.

Meanwhile, musical actor Kim Ho-young, who previously served as a special DJ for 'Power Time', left the show due to his busy schedule.


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