Hamjin couple Mama papa…

2019-10-20 15:31:11


˝Wife's Taste˝

In the TV Chosun entertainment program, 'Taste of Wife, Nothing in the World', which was broadcast on the afternoon of 15th, Hamsowon and Jinhwa couple visited Lim Chang-jung's Jokbal House.

Hamjin couple Mama and Papa visited the four-week philosophy of Yongin in China and saw the four weeks of Hamjin couple.

Surprisingly at the age of Hamsowon, more than Evolution, the four-week expert began to solve the four weeks after completing the Internet search certification.

Evolution that tasted this, "I think I can make the same," he showed confidence.

"You can make it really delicious. You can make it with hot water, add peanuts, soybeans, black beans, or just a little more to make it really delicious."

Hamsowon did not notice the condiments at the corner of the mouth and presented a storm muckbang.

Evolution of biting trotters, "I think I can make the same," suddenly showed confidence in cooking.

I seemed to draw a carp with a sensational touch, but I threw a pain on a picture that didn't come out like a thought and made a smile.

On the other hand, the Chinese mom completed a carp painting with a glimpse and asked Hamso-won to select a carp picture he liked.

However, Hamsowon said he would accept only the carp drawing game, which ended with a midnight happening.