Kdata selects Givu Nijoa for MyData Hackathon

2019-10-17 18:33:00

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Information (Minister Ki-young Choi) and the Korea Data Industry Promotion Agency (Director Min Ki-young) applied to my data in novel fields such as 'Pet animals' and 'Personal data wallet'.

Saturday, he announced that he held hackathons on the theme of implementing mydata technology for two days.

Hackathon is a combination of hacking and marathon, in which participants form teams to produce concrete results of ideas within a certain time.

The “My Data Acting Hackathon”, which was held for the first time this year, was set up to solve problems in the implementation of my data service and participated in about 70 teams of 14 teams of service planners, developers, and designers.

The event was held for 40 days from August 8 to September 18, and a total of 125 teams of 38 teams participated and 14 teams entered the finals.

They participated in the finals after conducting preliminary presentations and 1: 1 consulting to analyze project issues and advance ideas.

The evaluation was made in consideration of the composition and technology of the idea, feasibility, novelty, and marketability, and the sharing service through donation data of Gibu Nijoa (Team) was awarded the prize of 5 million won.


They linked the donation organization's API to show and download my donation history, read the donation group annual report, and earn donation mileage, and implemented customized product recommendation and anticipated tax deduction inquiry service through the third party's agreement.

In addition, the Grand Prize (3 million won) won the “My Data Wallet,” a company that developed the “My Data One Marketplace,” a platform that allows companies to trade the use of personal data issued by the data subject on the blockchain without storing their personal data.

'Random Sampling,' which developed a service that displays, downloads and sells individual video usage behavior (viewing pattern, search, and subscription) while advocating a post-image platform, was selected.

In addition, 'Penguin Report', which implements inventory management commerce service for small businesses in the traditional market that does not use a point-of-sales system, collects the data of pets (IoT, medical care)

, 'Petsility', which provided product solutions, and 'EnDaTa,' which developed 'trust', a financial trust building service between tenants and tenants, each received the Excellence Prize (1 million won).

Min Ki-young, head of the Korea Data Industry Promotion Agency, said, “My data needs to be secured by our system, the use of personal data and the benefits of returning to me as the owner of information.

We have seen greater potential for MyData and will continue to develop and spread leading cases by holding demonstrations of hackathons' excellent teams and conferences in the future. ”