Sudden couple ~ ˝Natural˝

2019-10-17 14:31:11

MBN entertainment program 'Naturally', which aired on the afternoon of 12th, depicted the members and residents of Kim Jong-min's birthday party.

Jeon In-hwa said, "Such a man is a good husband."

Shinji said, “I'm not attracted to it.” He once started to play against the iron wall.

Jeon asked again, "What's your favorite?"

Gangnam proved that he is a love lover, saying, "I will die cute when Sanghwa laughs."

Jeon Inhwa and Shinji responded to Gangnam's appearance with intense reactions.

Jeon In-hwa and Jo Byung-kyu appeared as support forces.

The members felt proud by completing a half-day recovery.

The labor members ate chicken porridge and leek jeon newcomer prepared by the president.

The members expressed deep satisfaction with the newcomer.

Shinji gave chicken feet food room and Eun Ji Won gave me a smile.