
2019-10-03 16:31:21

Other members also found a room with karaoke,

Yuk and Jae were singing in a room with a karaoke machine while the other members were talking.

Other members also found a room with karaoke, and the atmosphere was ripened by Yoo Byung-jae's Biwai Rap and Shin Seung-hwan's `` Love Her. ''

At the turn of the Jang Nara, “I thought I was going to make it” and sang his song 'Sweet Dream'.

Fniel told Yup Sung "I can give 100 million won to Sungjae."

Lee Seung-gi was jealous and listened to it and said, “You must pay the gift tax.”

The members tested the friendship between Friel and Yu Sung-jae.

When asked what could be done for a good man as much as his lover, Friel said, "100 million is possible without a price."

If members of envy and jealousy explode, say "it's a law."

Lee Seung-gi and Yang Se-hyung watched the game and played a game of confrontation and confronted the game.

When Lee Seung-gi asked, “Would you like to do one more time?” Yang Se-hyung said, “Yeong Byung Jae will do it for me.