Hyori Lee, in her congratulatory speech at Kookmin University’s graduation ceremony, “Life is a one-size-fits-all affair, so if possible, don’t trust anyone.”

2024-02-15 05:11:03

Singer Lee Hyori said in a congratulatory speech at the graduation ceremony of her alma mater, Kookmin University, "Life is dokgo die (meaning you decide and move alone)" and emphasized to her juniors to carve their own path.

Hyori Lee said, "It is you, not anyone else, who cares for you more than anyone else and guides you to the right path. Give up the hope that someone who seems better than you will enlighten you with wonderful words, so that your life will become a little easier."

She continued, “Go forward with that friend in me who accepts and loves me, hold her hand, and move on.” .

Lee Hyo-ri concluded her congratulatory speech by saying, "Don't lean on anyone and try to be comforted, just think of life as 'dog go die'."


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