Jo Hyun-young denies involvement in coin fraud...

2024-02-15 06:41:03

“There is no evidence of involvement over 15 years.”

On the 14th, Hyunyoung Cho posted a post directly on her YouTube channel community, emphasizing that she had nothing to do with the controversy related to Youth Pay and Winners Coin.

He explained, “I never expected that Youth Pay would be associated with fraud or scams,” and “I have never directly promoted Youth Pay.”

Also, regarding suspicions about a relationship with a specific person, he said, "We were not close enough to meet each other," and "I could not even imagine that he was a person related to Winners Coin or the current controversy."

She then said, “I will request the Korean Youth Committee to fire the public relations ambassador, and I plan to take legal action, including civil and criminal, as soon as possible.”**


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