Ive An Yu-jin reveals Valentine's Day doll selfie!

2024-02-15 08:41:03

Captivating the hearts of fans with perfect visuals

Ahn Yu-jin of the group Ive captured the hearts of fans by releasing a selfie showing off her doll-like beauty on Valentine's Day.

In addition, Ahn Yu-jin enhanced her Valentine's Day mood by adding to her lovely charm with her natural permed hair and pink lipstick.

Ahn Yu-jin's selfie was filled with hundreds of thousands of likes and comments from fans within a few hours of being released.

Fans praised Ahn Yu-jin's beauty with reactions such as "Happy Valentine's Day, Ahn Yu-jin!", "It's a real doll," "It's so pretty," and "Oh my God, it's a Valentine's gift."


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