<The Secret of Birth, Old Age, Illness, and Death> Is it the old saying, “Rice is the best medicine?”

2024-02-21 14:11:05

A betrayal of sweet white rice... How to eat it as ‘healthy rice’?

Is eating white rice with every meal really a healthy choice?

Additionally, white rice is a simple sugar that can rapidly raise blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of obesity or diabetes.

Unlike mixed grains, which have a rough texture, white rice is easy to drink and is good to eat with salty side dishes.

As a result of health examinations, most of the patients who said they had only eaten white rice for decades had health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

In the case of 'white rice', which is a refined carbohydrate rather than the coarse carbohydrate of whole grains, it is broken down and absorbed quickly, rapidly raising blood sugar levels.

In particular, it is best to have two to five types of mixed grains, and the ratio of mixed grains should be at least half and half to make nutritionally good rice.

The health effects and changes in white rice eaten at every meal will be revealed on KBS 1TV at 10 pm on the 21st.


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