7-year YouTuber JJ reveals monthly income of 3 to 4 million won...

2024-02-25 14:41:03

‘Subscribers are surprised’ by shocking profit structure

JJ disclosed the revenue from YouTube views received from Google and revealed that the monthly revenue from views per month is between 3.7 million won and 4.2 million won.

Monthly rent for using the entire building as a studio, 4 major insurances for 4 employees and 4 PDs, management fees, gas fees, equipment costs, and consumables costs 35 million won per month, and if you add 10 million won in opportunity cost from JJ's own lesson revenue, it comes to 41 million won per month. He explained that a profit of more than 10,000 won was needed.

Julien Kang and JJ, who announced their relationship in May last year, are scheduled to get married in May.

JJ plans to continue his YouTube activities even after marriage.


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